The reason for Jason Statham’s enduring popularity among his coworkers. Engaging in diligent and proficient work – Enjoying leisurely moments with fellow actors in the ‘The Meg’ film series

Li Bingbing, a prominent Chinese actress, has been one of China’s most successful movie stars for a considerable period of time. Furthermore, she is no longer a rookie to the Hollywood industry. She provided support to Milla Jovovich in combatting zombies in the movie Resident Evil and had a significant part in Michael Bay’s Transformers: Age of Extinction, a picture that earned $1.1 billion globally.

However, her subsequent performance, in which she starred opposite Jason Statham battling colossal sharks in a Warner Bros. production, would ultimately become the actress’s most remarkable and influential breakout role.

Li Bingbing, hailing from the outskirts of Northern China, pursued her education at the prestigious Shanghai Academy of Theater and Film. She made her breakthrough in the film industry with a prominent role in the 1999 historical drama Seventeen Years, directed by Truong Nguyen. This film garnered critical acclaim and received the Best Director award at the esteemed Venice Film Festival. In 2001, she gained widespread recognition for her leading role in the highly successful television series “Bao Qingtian’s Childhood,” establishing herself as one of China’s most renowned figures.

Bang Bang’s portrayal as the protagonist in The Meg is her most significant part to date in a high-budget American-produced picture. In The Meg, Statham’s character, Jonas Taylor, survives an encounter with a 22-meter-long ancient shark, which he thinks to be the attacker. Jonas, who has lost his credibility and almost everything, must confront his phobias in order to save passengers who are stranded in a submersible. This includes rescuing his powerful ex-wife, portrayed by Bang Bang. Jon Turteltaub, known for directing films such as “While You Were Sleeping” and “National Treasure,” is the director of this picture. It is scheduled to be released globally in August.

Statham and Bing Bing made an appearance at the Shanghai International Film Festival this week to promote The Meg in the second largest film market in the world. Prior to her arrival on the red carpet, THR interviewed Bing Bing at the Indigo Hotel in downtown Shanghai to discuss the production of The Meg, the prospects of future collaborations between Hollywood and China, and her reflections on her status as one of the most renowned figures in Chinese cinema for almost twenty years.

What piqued your interest in The Meg and what motivated you to get involved in the film?

In 2015, they initially reached out to me regarding Meg, but I didn’t attach much importance to it and declined. Due to the nature of the film being centered around sharks, I anticipated a significant number of scenes involving water, which I was not inclined to participate in. In Chinese culture, it is widely believed that exposure to cold temperatures can have negative effects on human health. As a result, it is common for Chinese individuals to consume hot water and hot food as a means of maintaining their well-being. Therefore, I declined the offer to spend an excessive amount of time confined in a glass enclosure and exposed to the frigid waters of the ocean. However, they then reached out to me and requested that I reconsider.

With only a fortnight remaining until the commencement of filming, I made the decision to embrace the part. Instantly, I realized with utmost certainty that it would provide a challenge, as I was left with a mere week to acquaint myself with the script. As a non-native English speaker, I require ample time to adequately prepare with an English script. I adhered to a rigorous self-discipline. I engage in daily practice. While others were engaged in activities such as traveling, golfing, and attending parties, I dedicated my time to practicing in my room.

The sole factor that provided assistance to me was the fact that we conducted filming activities in the country of New Zealand. The area is abundant in trees, creating a visually stunning landscape. Engaging in a leisurely stroll or simply observing the natural world aids in my relaxation and allows me to temporarily set aside my concerns. Currently, I am experiencing a sense of satisfaction and contentment as I believe that I have truly achieved something meaningful. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with the crew, which included the director, representatives from Warner Bros., and my co-stars. The movie has garnered universal satisfaction.

What was the experience of being on set with Jason Statham like?

He is an extremely kind and affable individual. Upon our initial encounter, I experienced a slight apprehension as I harbored the expectation that Jason would embody the persona he portrays in his films. However, during the rehearsal, he displayed endearing behavior and repeatedly expressed his inability to perform these tasks in Chinese. I informed him of my necessity to engage in additional practice, since my non-native speaker status raised concerns about perhaps eliciting impatience from him. However, he possesses an endearing appearance and consistently provides me with unwavering support.

Which specific roles are you currently most enthusiastic about in your career?

In fact, excellent acting entails effectively displaying a plethora of emotions. Prior to engaging in action, it is imperative that you have acquired certain specific experiences and emotions in your life. I am confident that I have acquired sufficient experience to portray characters with greater complexity more effectively. I aspire to portray a character in a self-produced cinematic work. I am uncertain about the specifics, but I desire to portray a character with a compelling narrative, even if they are imperfect or possess significant flaws. I am drawn to individuals who are intriguing and captivating. This is the exact thing I am searching for.

She is a rare actress who has achieved success in both the esteemed realms of Chinese and Hollywood film industries. What is your assessment of the two film industries? What knowledge can they acquire from one another?

The Hollywood film business operates with a meticulously structured framework, ensuring a highly organized and efficient production process. They possess an edge due to their greater level of expertise. Currently, the Chinese market is seeing rapid growth, and our box office income exceeded that of the US market in March of last year. Consequently, this implies that Chinese filmmakers now have a greater number of prospects. Given the continuous expansion of the Chinese film market, I believe it is prudent for us to collaborate with Hollywood in order to increase the production of high-quality films.

Meg is an exemplary individual. The Internet is experiencing rapid growth in China as well. In due course, it will inevitably alter the manner in which we produce films. With the increasing accessibility of knowledge and exposure to foreign cultures, Chinese individuals are now able to comprehend and appreciate them more readily. Consequently, it is quite likely that in the future, we will witness a surge in the production of movies that incorporate elements from both Eastern and Western cultures, offering a unique blend of storytelling that has not been witnessed before.

She has consistently been regarded as a fashion trendsetter. Which fashion trends now inspire you?

I do not perceive myself as an icon or anything of that nature. My preferred style is focused on comfort, thus I usually go for clothing like t-shirts or yoga trousers. I am also deeply fond of the fusion of fashion and cultural customs. As an illustration, I collaborated with the Forbidden City in Beijing to design a handbag. I aspire to facilitate a broader comprehension of traditional Chinese culture and advocate for its preservation among future generations. In addition, we supported unemployed women by allocating a percentage of our earnings to the China Women’s Development Foundation (CWDF) as part of that initiative.

What is the sensation of being one of the most renowned individuals in the nation with the largest populace globally?

The outcome is contingent upon your personal preference. You have the ability to lead a conventional lifestyle. You have the ability to conceal your presence. However, during the course of the last two decades, the majority of my time has been dedicated to my professional endeavors. There is no personal life, only a focus on practicing and working. I abstain from dining at restaurants. I am uncertain if that aligns with my inherent character or not. I consistently experience a sense of possessing something of great significance that necessitates my completion.

I have been continuously learning English for an extended period of time. I possess a high level of concentration and dedication. However, throughout the course of the last two decades, I believe it is necessary for me to apologize to myself as well. I neglected to give proper attention to life. I excessively burdened myself and constantly fretted about achieving success in the subsequent undertaking. The pristine beauty of New Zealand has really benefited me. Currently, I am inclined to persist in my diligent efforts, while also taking the opportunity to observe my surroundings and derive pleasure from them to a greater extent.