Forget black and white tattoos; watercolor tattoos are becoming the ultimate tattoo standard

Forget black and white tattoos; watercolor ink is the new gold standard in the tattoo industry.

Robson Carvalho is a renowned tattoo artist based in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Robson Carvalho can be located in Sao Paulo, Brazil. His artistic style is described with a long variety of adjectives and adverbs, including scrappy, free, watercolor-enlivened, and pastel-like. His tattoos appear to have been pulled directly from one of his sketchbooks, as is usually the case. Carvalho’s tattoos capture the free-form pen method. His expertise suggests that, rather of utilising a tattoo machine, he traced a doodle with a pen and a brush. The imperfections are what give the work its flawless quality: some of the lines get faded, some of the colors fade away, and some ink splatters as if the pen nib slipped and fell.













































































