Rick Ross used a tractor to mow the lawn of his $200 million property 💚💚

Rick Ross

The renowned rapper, 45, admitted in a Forbes interview that he finds unique ways to save expenses even though he lives in luxury on a 235-acre house in Georgia.

“I don’t have a big jet. I try my best to fly Delta,” he said in the interview. “I love swap meets and antique stores. I love finding beautiful things that cost $8 or $20.”

He even does his own landscaping.

“When I bought the Fayetteville estate, locals would see me walk out of a restaurant and scream, ‘You know Holyfield spent $1 million a year to cut the grass.’ So I decided that I was gonna cut my own grass. And that’s what I did,” Ross said.

“I went down to John Deere and asked to see the biggest tractor, the most efficient tractor. I told them I had 200-plus acres that I wanted to keep cut, and they pointed out the right tractor,” he added. “I bought it right then and there. I bought the extended attachment on the back that would cut even wider. Once I got it back home, I filled it up with gas.”

“I may have sat in the same spot for two hours before I got everything working, but once I got it going, I didn’t stop. I cut grass for about five hours,” he continued.